I make your brand come to life.

Your brand may have a recognizable color, logo, form and font. But what about movement? 


Work with me

Get a faster response by sending detailed information upfront.
(e.g., client, budget, timeframe, storyboards/sketches, NDA)

sander [ at ] sandervandijk.tv 


Select Clients

Airbnb, MoMA, Squarespace, Google Material Design. IKEA, SPACE10, BUCK, Pentagram, TRIBORO, Frame.io, Headspace, GoPro, Microsoft HoloLens, STRAVA, WCS, NRDC, Wealth Simple, Shopify, Classpass, TOOL America.


Slick Moves Let me help you make a lasting impression by creating super slick motion for your brand. Example project Google Design

Brand Animation Send me your logo or existing design elements and show you how your brand wants to move. Example project Squarespace

Design Workflow We live in the age of producing content. I’ll help you build an optimized workflow for producing content to suit your needs. Example project IBM


The creative community

I believe in empowering the creative community. I do this through co-producing a design conference called BLEND and through building tools and education that helps improve a creative's workflow.



Bringing people together in an inspiring environment can stimulate their creativity and often change the course of their lives for the better. This is why I co-founded the conference Blend together with amazing partners Jorge, Teresa, and Claudio,

The Origins of Blend

Tools & Education

Over the years, I’ve developed my own workflows that I’ve turned into tools to empower the Motion Graphic Community. By sharing I’ve gained always so much more, and that's why I teach my techniques on a platform Regulus.