Blend Conference

Blend is a conference-style party in Vancouver for the motion, design & animation family that I helped co-found along with Jorge Canedo, Teresa Toews, and Claudio Salas.



In order to communicate our values as a conference, I directed the following Manifesto video that played at the opening of every event.



Art Direction & Design: Gareth O'BrienLucas Brooking
Animation Direction: Sander van Dijk
Animation: Sander van Dijk, Jorge Canedo Estrada, Claudio Salas, Justin Lawes, Austin RobertMarisabel Fernandez

Music: Friendship Park
Mix & Sound Design: Ambrose Yu

Special thanks to: Ryland Haggis, John Black, Box Of Toys AudioSummer Rayne Oakes, Emmy Lou Canedo


Animation Director

For Blend 2017, I took on a myriad of roles—the first of which was animation director to create various animated content to help inform and promote.


Technical Direction

Next I served as technical director, building the master keynote to make sure the whole conference results in a fluid experience, particularly as we switched between speakers, breaks and panel conversations.


Keynote Speaker

This year I took a much different role than the first Blend, as I wasn’t just behind-the-scenes but actually spoke on stage. It was important to me to speak about connecting my work to my values, which was a principal part of my impetus for going freelance.